
As I was walking the course recently, I realized how expectations play a big part in golf. During a round, your expectations may be to par the hole. When expectations are not achieved it may cause disappointment. Expectations bound us with blinders in a belief—or illusion–of how an outcome should be and closes us off from being receptive to the multitude of possibilities the Universe may have in store. By trusting that there’s a bountiful of beneficial outcomes—which may be even more dazzling and advantageous—is freeing, which may even bring a learning experience and greater gifts. The shift to higher consciousness is all about freedom from the delusions—expectations—of the mind.

Expectations are limiting, whereas intentions are empowering. Intentionality  has a take charge kind of energy and puts you in the driver’s seat. With intentions set and full focus in the now, playing the course shot by shot instead of hole by hole is liberating to the spirit, allowing fun to return to the game, instead of dread.

Focus, Intention, Visualization and Emotion—the acronym F.I.V.E.— is a handy formula which came forth from the golfing angels to assist in manifesting. This is a terrific tool to add to your preshot routine, which also works amazingly off the course as well. FOCUS on bringing your full awareness, energy and attention, back to your being and then set the INTENTION of what it is you wish. VISUALIZE with vivid details your desires and add the EMOTION of joy, fulfillment, elation, exhilaration of how you will feel after this has manifested. Voila!

Here’s a recent personal anecdote….”When I landed in the bunker flanking the green I squashed any mumbling or resistance. I had no intention on being there, so what gives. Remembering dsc03045to take ownership and claim my power, I thought okay, I need a miracle here and called one in–thank you angels!  I had a nice uphill lie, although little green to work with and a big lip to clear. With conviction I took charge of the situation, reminding myself I have the tools to get out of the bunker. As I took my stance, I ran through the sequence in my mind of the swing thoughts needed and my intention—anywhere on the green would be nice. After hitting the ball, I said “in the hole” and to my surprise, and everyone else’s, it did.  One minute you’re down and out and the next you’re up and in. It’s a challenging-confidence-building kind of game.”

With intention in the bag, and the angel acronym routinely secure it’s time to set goals. A synonym for goal is target, destination and objective.Goals help align desires, placing a spotlight on future happenings, by pulling in the Universe’s energy to support, sustain and supply fortuitous bounces, fluffy lies, and beyond belief miracles.

May all your DRIVES—on and off the course—be guided by intention and focus.