Messages from the Angels are abounding and unceasing. Sometimes, they come lickety-split, like today on the fourth hole. As I was standing over the putt I heard car brakes screeching in the distance, even though this hole’s proximity is not close to a street. I dropped the ball—so to speak— and missed the message prior to hitting the putt, which zoomed past the hole. I realize in hindsight, the message was to put on the brakes, to slow down the putt. Sometimes messages are sent disguised or distinct, hinging on our heedfulness.
Angelic messages often come via a fellow player’s comments…”The wind was blowing stronger than I thought,” “I forgot to shift my weight,” or “I decelerated.” The Angels use others to get their messages across. At times, messages are soft like feathers and there may even be one on the green to indicate the sink line. Or maybe a showering of pine needles on tee box as a reminder to lighten up and have fun. It’s always entertaining when the Angels get the fairies involved in their shenanigans too. And especially amusing when a ring tone brings forth a message I so needed to hear…”Hit Me with Your Best Shot” “No Hook” “Slice”….always appropriate.
On the tenth green, the Angels indicated a leaf (one of the many) as my sink line. As I lined up, a big gust of wind blew all the leaves (are you ready for this!), except the target leaf. A few holes later, I had a lengthy putt and was picking the leaves off my sink line, when I realized I should call on the Angels. Immediately, a huge gust totally cleared my line. I should have asked sooner.
How many message are returned to sender, undelivered and unopened and how utterly patient the Angels are in trying to get our attention. Sometimes, my impulsiveness has the solution mapped out before checking with the Angels. My goal is to refrain from hastily jumping to a conclusion without first becoming mindful like on the next hole. I received guidance on club selection and target line for my approach shot. Although, being over enthusiastic to hit the shot (of my life), I failed to discern I had a downhill lie and to hit the shot accordingly. The ball went sailing ever so slightly right, hitting the cart path and bouncing out-of-bounds. Being overzealous, I forgot to take in all the valuable variables. I’ve etched this experience into memory!
It’s all guidance to guarantee a gratifying day. We’re submerged in an ever flowing river of riches, and to tap into this treasured resource is so rewarding. Dip your toe or immerse your whole being. I’ll warn you, the Angels are addictive, and once you start, you’ll never stop.