Putting Assistance; The Speed Spot

Determining the speed of the greens, or the speed spot as the angels call it is a cinch. This technique has been developed over many years with much success. Here’s what the Golfing Angels have to say on this subject in their own words…

“On the practice green we’ll sharpen your focus and clear the clutter to get you and your putter perfectly polished. Since you’ve already mastered the sink line (earlier post) and are familiar with that process, we’ll get right to the technique for determining the speed of the greens, and detecting your speed spot.DSC02603

First you’ll need to discern if the putt is uphill or downhill. Walking the line of the putt is sometimes helpful to feel it in your feet or scrutinize the topography for clues. Once you’ve established this vital piece of information, we’ll point out a spot either past the hole or short of the hole. If the greens are running fast or the putt is downhill, the speed spot will be short of the hole. If the greens are slow or you have an uphill putt, the speed spot will be past the hole.

When you ascertain this key ingredient, you’ll laser in on the speed spot as your feel, to gauge the distance and putt away with conviction. This spot will be a discoloration in the grass or a mark on the green that is brought to your awareness. It may even been a leaf, a butterfly, or another player’s ball or ball mark. Always go with your first instinct, cause getting the mind involved will nullify our communication.

With your new sink line and speed spot skills you’ll be unstoppable. This meritable technique also works at the practice facility, as well as, out on the course, of course!”