Tournament Troubles

During a recent two-day Ryder Cup match play event, it was interesting to witness what thoughts and emotions arose in this stressful money-on-the line situation. When the tournament word enters a round and prize money is on the line, watch out! Usually it’s easy to remain focused on fun and detach from the score during an everyday round. It took a while for me to settle down, trust the Angels, hear the Angels and most importantly, relax.  I even asked them to turn up the volume on their messages a few times, for clarity. The Angels reminded me that if I was having fun, I would win in more than monetary ways.

As the round progressed, I saw chapter titles of the book float through my mind’s eye. Always good reminders to surrender to the moment, accept what is, there’s always hope, to scrap the score, and oodles more. In tournaments, I tend to try too hard, which tenses me—and my swing—and disconnects me from my fun self. Being aware of this prior to the start, I was able to nip it at first sight.

I did, however, find myself focused on score, since we were playing as two person teams, in various formats (alternate shot, best ball, captain’s choice). It was important to know where you stood, who got strokes, and if we were still in the hole. It was a lot to keep track of and was energizing the mental analytical aspect of my mind. DSC02714Something I’m not used to, especially on the course. I’m typically living in the right side of my mind, where creativity, visualization and imagination reside and also the angelic connection. It’s almost impossible to hear the Angels clearly if you’re stuck in the mental processing side. As they continuously remind me, struggle, stress and strain makes the angelic connection wane.

I find it best in this situation to fully focus on the shot in front of me and do the best that I can with conviction. Trying to determine, if I do this on this hole, or that on the next hole, is taxing and takes me out of the present moment.

This is what the Angels have to say about tournaments…”When you bring tension in, your sense goes out…sixth sense that is. If this happens, we’ll certainly try to lighten you up with the array of tricks and doohickeys we have up our wings. We won’t share those with you now, since we want you to be surprised. Oh, the lengths we go to dazzle and delight. Can we get a pinata to the fifth hole to celebrate a hole-in-one?”